MEGA International obtains the Sustainable IT Label

Jul 7, 2023

MEGA International, a leading SaaS software publisher in enterprise architecture, receives the Sustainable IT Label - Level 1 issued by Agence LUCIE based on the company's strategy for reducing its digital impact. Valid for a period of two years, this certification testifies to the company's commitment to a more virtuous, inclusive, and ethical technology.

The Sustainable IT Label: a demanding assessment

The Sustainable IT Label is based on a repository developed by the Sustainable IT Institute in partnership with the French government's Ministry of Ecological Transition and its environment and energy agency ADEME, as well as the NGO World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

This distinction reflects MEGA International's CSR commitment to integrating the various digital issues:

  • Environment: reduction of energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and recycling and reuse of devices;
  • Social: digital accessibility;
  • Ethics: protection of personal digital data.

To obtain the label, the company passed an external audit which was carried out by the firm Baker Tilly evaluating 5 main aspects: Strategy and Governance, Support for the Sustainable IT strategy, Life cycle of digital services, Extending its Sustainable IT approach, and Products and services.

An independent labeling committee, made up of Green IT experts, then reviewed the auditor's report and the commitments made by MEGA to progress over the next 2 years before awarding the label to the company.

Creating an iterative dynamic of progress

Among the strengths identified in the responsible ICT approach initiated by MEGA are elements of Green IT and eco-design:

  • Systematic configuration in the economical mode of equipment and virtual machines (VM);
  • Making users responsible for eco-gestures and good digital practices (welcome booklet);
  • Upkeep, maintenance, and repair policy for IT equipment;
  • Responsible data collection policy (DPO) and employee awareness of GDPR issues;
  • Voluntary approach to securing and respecting the rules for backing up, storing, and deleting data, with regular security audits;
  • Integration of the life cycle of products installed with customers: training and support on the use of the HOPEX solution included in the software offer;
  • Simple and accessible website: monitoring with EcoIndex and Kastor.

By obtaining the Sustainable IT Label, MEGA International is committed to progress through a concrete action plan with specific indicators to be achieved over two years.

The company adopts an iterative approach through the deployment of various initiatives:

  • Integrating and deploying Sustainable IT in the overall company strategy;
  • Raising employee awareness of Sustainable IT and taking into account associated skills through a training plan;
  • Selecting equipment labeled TCO or EPEAT Gold and requesting a Sustainable IT commitment from suppliers by specifying the characteristics of the equipment (label, repairability index, reconditioned, channels, lifespan, etc.);
  • Establishing an inventory of software solutions and applications indicating the characteristics: volume of users, scope, purposes, licenses, open source, eco-design, internal/external development, hosting, criticality of personal data, updates, etc. ;
  • Describing eco-design principles (e.g. accessibility rate);
  • Evaluating hosting service providers' practices and their energy efficiency (PUE), water footprint (WUE), carbon footprint, and cooling methods.

At a time when the issues of developing a CSR approach are placed at the center of our action at MEGA International, we are proud to have reached a milestone by obtaining the Sustainable IT Label. Committed to the long term, and driven by the principle of continuous improvement, we aim to continue our efforts and deploy our approach to reach the next level of the label,” explains Luca de Risi, CEO at MEGA International.

About Agence LUCIE, manager of the Sustainable IT Label

Created in 2007, the LUCIE 26000 Label rewards an organization's commitment to social responsibility according to the guidelines of the ISO 26000 standard. The LUCIE Agency also develops various solutions to enable all organizations to become more committed managers through thematic labels such as ENVOL, the Sustainable IT Label, or Biodiversity Progress. The LUCIE Community now brings together more than 800 structures that share the same values ​​and the same desire: to make this world fairer and more respectful of people and territories. Our mission: to empower organizations to become players with a positive impact. 

About MEGA International

MEGA International is a global SaaS software company offering solutions for Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Analysis, Governance, Risk and Compliance, and Data Governance operating in 52 countries. MEGA created HOPEX, a collaborative platform that provides a single repository to help companies collect, visualize, and analyze information to plan better and adapt to change.

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