Your trusted advisor to ensure your transformation initiatives succeed

Establish effective practices and maximize the value of your human and technology assets with the help of our highly skilled people, experts in the latest enterprise architecture and governance, risk and compliance approaches and methodologies.


Over 25 years of demonstrated success with customers from many different industries all around the world

Proven methodologies

Rapid results thanks to best practices, internally captured into delivery guides available to all consultants

Customer satisfaction

Global Technical Support teams deliver prompt responses and continued consultative direction far beyond on-boarding and project engagements

Committed to accompanying you towards your success

Support your company’s transformation initiatives using enterprise architecture

Efficiently architect transformation initiatives through effective practices, methods and tools

Key benefits

  • Design and scope the approach and project according to your business needs
  • Demonstrate the added value of the approach and maximize your ROI with concrete deliverables
  • Provide architecture support to accelerate your transformation effort

It's always an exciting moment to see our clients' functional specifications start to take shape during workshops. Understanding the processes they would like to support with HOPEX is key to implement the best solutions.

Charlenne Bozelle
Business Consultant

Manage your company’s corporate governance, risks and compliance strategy

Contextualize your risks with a holistic approach

Key benefits

  • Help you map identified risks, treatment actions, and controls into the HOPEX solution
  • Support your execution of control assessments and action plans to reduce the risk exposure and comply with regulations or internal policies
  • Demonstrate progress and value using concrete deliverables from our HOPEX solution

Risk is not always negative (downsize risk). Innovation and change by definition might introduce risk, but at the same time they generate opportunities that might create value for the enterprise (update risk). Our mission is to accompany our customers and help them have a risk approach geared towards transforming risk management into opportunity management.

Giada Crippa
Engagement Manager

Onboard end-users

Enable business users to rapidly become productive on HOPEX

Key benefits

  • Accelerate the adoption of HOPEX solutions & embedded methods
  • Provide practical and modular training to fit with your needs
  • Become self-sufficient with the use of the HOPEX solutions

The more proficient people are on HOPEX, the more value they see. The more value they see, the more they use the solution to meet their business needs. This virtuous adoption cycle is greatly accelerated through the MEGA University program.

Zoé Farge
Training Coordinator

Deploy HOPEX to your specific needs

Deploy and optimize HOPEX solutions based on your organizational and business needs and quickly create valuable deliverables for key decision makers

Key benefits

  • Design and implement the best solution according to your use cases
  • Accelerate the integration in your IT landscape
  • Deliver a project driven approach with concrete deliverables

From the technical analysis of needs, to the configuration of solutions and ongoing support during deployment, we stand by daily to help our customers realize the value of HOPEX.

Thomas Moraux
Solution Engineer

Ensure user satisfaction

Provide seamless support on HOPEX solutions

Key benefits

  • Promptly diagnose your requests
  • Provide clear and easy to apply fixes
  • Conduct continued follow-up to ensure satisfaction 

We strive to provide our customers with the utmost attention and support

Joseph Camara
MEGA Technical Support Manager

HOPEX as a Service

Outsource HOPEX operational tasks and stay focused on business core activities

Key benefits

  • Delegate the operational tasks to HOPEX specialists
  • Be regularly informed on the HOPEX solution’s usage in your organization
  • Benefit from our team’s experience in proactively preventing potential issues

A service adapted to your business needs and scalability, giving you access to the latest technology and professional support. Your HOPEX solution is quickly set up and deployed, easily upgraded and accessible wherever you are.

Mounir Anibar
MEGA Cloud Services, Service Account Manager
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